Property Damage?

Denied, Old or Underpaid Insurance Claim?

Typically homeowners that hire a public adjuster get 700% higher payments!

The Public Adjuster Pros of Fort Lauderdale are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the maximum amount of money they deserve.

Professional Public Adjuster Services

  • The Insurance Companies Frustrating You?

    Struggling with property damage and dealing directly with insurance companies can be a daunting task. In addition, the public adjusters representing the insurance companies, NOT YOU, can be very difficult. It's their job to pay you out as little as they can get away with. But do not worry, we can help!

  • How Can A Public Insurance Adjuster Help?

    Point blank: our job is to ensure that your claim is assessed correctly and well documented to help you obtain the maximum claim settlement you deserve, not the lowball offer or straight-up rejection the insurance companies responded with! 

  • What Kind Of Property Damage Can We Help With?

    The Public Adjuster Pros of Fort Lauderdale work with adjusters that have decades of experience helping clients maximize payouts on property damage such as water damage, fire damage, hurricane damage, flood damage, vandalism, and more!

  • Did You Already Accept Payment But Feel It Was Too Little?

    Most people do not realize they have up to 5 years to reopen an old claim! So if you think you got a bad deal from your insurance company and weren't paid out what you deserve, then contact us. We may be able to reopen the claim and recover a lot more money for you! 

  • I Need Your Help. What's The Next Step?

    The first step is to contact us. We offer a FREE claim analysis where we will gather a complete understanding of how to best proceed according to your insurance policy details. 

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What Is The Process?

There are three main steps to the process of getting you the maximum payout from your homeowners insurance.  

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